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Working from Home Can Work
and May Help Some of Your Issues

More businesses are bringing employees back to the office and often for many good reasons.

But while the trend is widespread and clear, there are reasons you should not jump the gun. Instead, consider some flexibility.

The issue is not simple but don't eliminate home-based workers without considering some benefits you might overlook.

One Size Doesn’t Fit All

Of course, this isn't possible for every small business. Services only function with employees at “the shop.” But for many who commute to an office where they use a computer and/or other equipment, working at home is an option. Even some service providers can work from home periodically.

One option is the hybrid workplace, which combines remote workers with on-site workers, with some or all employees having the flexibility to choose where and when they work. In-office time may be allocated by days or by teams, or on an as-needed basis.

Those who achieve success through hybrid work exhibit clear, effective communication between employer and employees. Expectations are clear, as are the tools for measuring those expectations. Employees are empowered to take control of their day within clearly set parameters.

Around this simple outline are many questions that must be answered. For small business owners, one obvious question is, how do you ensure your employees will work rather than watch Netflix and snack? Others may wonder how an effective team can function if they are scattered across the city. Social distancing for work doesn’t work if no one works effectively.

Look for Answers

There is an immense amount of information on the web addressing these and related questions. We’ve provided a few links below, but a good idea is to simply write specific questions relating to your business and use the internet to see how others have dealt with these questions. But quick answers usually contain these points:

• Establish specific work goals with deadlines. If “Bob” or “Barbara” must produce 5,000 words of copy, or 5,000 lines of code, or whatever, by day’s end, or week’s end, as is appropriate, it doesn’t matter if they spend 30 minutes watching I Love Lucy reruns in the middle of the afternoon. If you’ve set a realistic goal and deadline, you’ll get your money’s worth. If project/deadline are part of a longer project, you might consider daily reports to ensure they don’t procrastinate and produce a mess on deadline day. More sophisticated methods of employee tracking are available, but they can involve software with a cost in time and money, and perhaps some lost trust in the employee.

• Make sure the employee has what he or she needs at home. Just any computer may not work for, say, a graphic artist or someone else who needs a more powerful workstation with specific software. Determine if the employee’s home internet is adequate for the job and, if not, formalize workarounds as much as possible, or consider paying for an upgrade to their system, at least temporarily.

• Working from home is not like working in the office. Employees WILL be distracted occasionally by children, pets or whatever goes on at home. That’s an unavoidable reality that all of you should expect. However, the employee should also understand that work (the goals and deadlines) must be met and be prepared to work before 8 a.m., after 5 p.m. and perhaps on weekends, to make this work. Employees should understand that they are accountable for results. Many home office veterans believe this freedom allows them to be MORE PRODUCTIVE because they can, to some degree, set their hours for their most effective time spans, even if it’s before 7 a.m. or after midnight.

• A small number of employees may be ill suited to working at home. They may need the more rigid structure of an office to work effectively. Occasional phone calls or even video conferencing may help if they must go home. Another tactic might be giving them smaller “chunks” of assignments and more frequent reporting requirements.

• Many employees may miss the camaraderie and creative atmosphere of the office. Don’t underestimate this. Even just the ability to “step around the corner and ask a question” is absent when workers are scattered across town. You may help by sharing a daily update, sharing news that workers need and usually get just by being in the office.

• Many models that you might learn from are not new – virtual organizations have existed since the dawn of the internet and the benefits they’ve have brought include much of the above. A little research into their history is a good idea.

Benefits for You?

Although the above spells out many costs and benefits to allowing employees to work from home or a hybrid model, there are more. You should examine the pros and cons from the perspective of your unique business and, yes, include your thoughts on the matter as well.

However, there are some things you should look for. For example, in this difficult labor market, offering some home-based options could help you attract and retain some employees. Younger workers, especially appreciate, even demand some workplace flexibility. Yes, that may be different than when you were there age, but it has become a fact of business life, at least for the time being. Equally true, there are employees who are better when working at home.

None of this is a final decision, but consider your options for the best overall ressults and you might be surprised.

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